Square One Medical

Suboxone® Addiction Treatment

Suboxone® has long been the medical standard for breaking the addiction to opiates. Many people can take this prescription narcotic with minimal side effects for extended periods of time. Others may not “feel like themselves” when taking this medication, even for short periods. If Suboxone® is working for you, we encourage you to continue with your physician and their recommended protocols.

If Suboxone® is not working as well as you had hoped, there are additional medically approved protocols which might be the answer for you. Our medical team will assess your situation and make recommendations based on your specific needs and preferences. We are here to help.

Quitting Suboxone® is a process tailored to your needs, based on length of time taking the drug, and your personal medical history. There is no hospitalization and no general anesthesia needed with our program, and, our system minimizes the discomfort from withdrawal. Every case is different, and we customize your care based on your individual needs. You can rest assured; we are here for long-term support.

feelings of pain and pleasure, heart rate and breathing.

Based on the time Heroine is active in the brain, it can actually be easier to detox then it’s replacement drugs Suboxone® and Methadone. Detox from Heroine is helped with our trademarked protocols, NAD+, and natural supplementation. Brain synchronization along with Neuro-Feedback is essential for recovery and staying clean. Long-Term brain recovery is our specialty.